We sat down with Sara, one of the models from The Scar Project, to discuss her choice to have a prophylactic mastectomy when she was found to have the BRCA gene. Her story inspires!

Imagine every girl had an education
Photos by, of and for girls to honor International Day of the Girl.

How-to create a successful collaboration
Jordan Oram tells you why and how you should collaborate with others.

Jordan Oram explains why every photographer is unique
How to take your own unique qualities into your work.

So proud to see student media projects in an international art exhibition
We’ve worked hard all year, and it paid off.

Photo Essay: Celebrating the diversity of women around the world
Thank you to all who stopped by the Cloudhead blog for Women’s History Month.

Photo Essay: Who are The SCAR Project Women?
David Jay’s photography shines a bright light into the reality of the “C” word.

What it means to be a Wichi woman
Welcome to Women’s History month on the Cloudhead blog. From now until the end of March, all our posts will focus on issues, photography, art and resources related. As our first post, we present a photo essay of women from the Wichi community in Hickmann, Argentina. While I can’t speak for the women of the […]

Best Selling Photography on the Cloudhead ART shop
Have you seen the Cloudhead Artshop? Beautiful images taken by indigenous Wichi children from NW Argentina. These are some of our best sellers. All profits go directly to build gardens and dig wells to support the photographers and their community. This photo was the poster for Cloudhead’s Siguendo Los Pasos de los Wichi exhibition at the […]

How To Talk to Strangers with Street Photographer Adde Adesokan
I tracked down street photographer Adde Adesokan last year after seeing his Triptychs of Strangers on the Laughing Squid. He was generous enough to reward my mild cyber-stalking with an interview, and what a fun interview.